Friday, 27 January 2012

The sweetest thing.

I just couldn't resist sharing these with you, they're just so cute. Bath bombs that look like cakes and sweets, all wrapped up like a posh box of chocolates too. My boyfriend got me them for Christmas and I still haven't used them, they're just too pretty. He got them from Firebox, which I'd never heard of until this Christmas (I think he bought like all of his Christmas presents from there), it's one of those generic gifty kind of websites, I've had a browse and it appears to be a pretty good one though. I think I've already picked out what everyone I know will be getting for their birthdays this year. 


  1. They look so nice! I love looking through them gift websites as I never know what to get people x

  2. they're so lovely. i like nothing better than a good box of bathbombs! haha :) love your blog, too :) new follower!


  3. They look so nice! I'd have to be careful not to try and eat them!

  4. They do look good enough to eat but I bet theyre even better in the bath, so gorgeous xxx

  5. They look so edible nomnom, bet they smell great too! :D

    P.s your new follower sweetie! x

  6. Mmm they look amazing! I love Firebox, though I haven't ordered from it in a long time now. They used to put little bags of sweets in with your order - I don't know if they still do it, but a nice touch!! X

  7. they look amazing! Bet they make your bath smell lush :) x x

  8. Oooh these look so gorgeous!!!
    Makes me want a relaxing bath!
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog also, now following you :)
    x x x

  9. These are gorgeous!!! Send one over no? :D Thanks for stopping by! xoxo


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